
Senior One Stop

Designed by professionals who want to take the pressure off families when they are faced with transitioning their loved one into that next phase of life. That transition alone can be overwhelming for you and your family, so we have developed a service that allows us to take the burden off and carry out all the necessary steps to make that move effortless!


Let us take the pressure off you so you can enjoy time with your family

Having personally gone through the process of moving a parent into a nursing home, we understand how hard it can be to make sure everything gets done and still be there to make your loved one feel like they are part of the process. As real estate agents we have seen firsthand many families going through this transition and not knowing where to turn for help. We have created Senior One Stop to make transitioning your loved one as easy as a phone call. 

ONE call and we will do it all...


Develop a plan to organize, sort and downsize what is important to you and your family.

Pack, move and unpack your belongings to your new location.

Sell, consign or donate any unwanted items.

Develop a plan to market and sell your current home so you can get the most money from the sale.


Services we coordinate with other industry partners

Clean Out

Estate Sales




Handyman Services


Assistance with probate sales

Suggestions for repairs,staging to get max property value